Who wrote the bible?
I think we can safely rule out God as a possible writer will little dispatch. So then since there is no other animal life except humans that can read and write I would say men(male and female) wrote the bible. I think it highly improbable that aliens from outer space had anything to do with it. As with all mythology of our species men formulated Ideas about certain things and made up a story about it and so these stories were first passed on by story tellers before there was this thing called writing symbols for words with meaning. Records were kept by the more intelligent ones of our species and should reflect common ideas of the time, gods, featured heavily in such ancient writings. Science is something more modern than ancient written stories, which seems to be replacing the gods as an explanation for why things once thought mysterious happen.
Since men wrote the bible and it is clearly not inspired by some all knowing and all powerful being that controls the whole universe. It merely reflects the way man at those ancient times viewed the world before science was around. To view the bible as infallible and God's word opens one to all sorts of frauds like the Watchtower corporation who feel they have all the answers to life's question but are dumber than a pile of rocks.